Through The Looking Glass

Let's create and program a 2 hour to Infinity radio show using this description for the format:

"Through The Looking Glass" radio show with Guido, Rudolf & Franz, is hosted by Steven Davies-Morris on Deep Nuggets Radio. It is a show for people who want their musical horizons expanded within the context of rock. It will feature the deepest of album cuts, rarities and "B" sides from artists both familiar and obscure. But mainly little-to-moderately known artists from the past in need of re-evaluation, and new stuff by up-and-comers in need of exposure and opportunity. [If you are an artist in either of those categories, PM me about getting your music onto this show]. Along the way the show will delve deep into genres of music, artists with large recorded output, and world-regions, through a series of "Collector’s Guides". These might be segments, or where needed, entire shows. Time permitting each journey "Through The Looking Glass" will have a vintage vinyl to digital conversion album side; a "Power-Trio" or a "Jazz Trio" triple-shot; a set of choice covers; some punk/post-punk/new-wave; some NWOBM/thrash; a dose of art-rock and experimental music -- some of it possibly difficult listening; some space-music; some brand new music regardless of genre; and a few tunes by musical friends and fellow-travelers.

What the show will never be about is playing music that can be readily heard on terrestrial FM radio or the "radio stations" on the high numbers of the cable TV box. Expect the unexpected. Expect to be educated. Expect to be stumped. Expect to be turned on to the best music you may never have heard, but should have. That is why the show was named the way it was: "Through The Looking Glass".

TTLG with SDM 

Hour 1: Opening Journey Through The Looking Glass

  1. Introduction (First 5 minutes)

    • Greetings and overview of the show
    • Brief explanation of the show's mission and format
  2. Collector’s Guide: Genre Deep Dive (15 minutes)

    • Explore a specific genre of music with a focus on little-known artists
    • Explore Psychedelic Folk:
    • Play a selection of tracks, discussing their significance
  3. Vintage Vinyl to Digital Conversion (20 minutes)

    • Feature an album side converted from vinyl to digital
    • Discuss the historical and musical significance of the album
  4. Power-Trio or Jazz Trio Triple-Shot (15 minutes)

    • Showcase a set of tracks from a power trio or jazz trio
    • Discuss the impact and influence of these trios on the rock genre
  5. Choice Covers (10 minutes)

    • Present a set of cover songs, exploring unique interpretations
    • Discuss the art of covering and the impact on the original songs
  6. Punk/Post-Punk/New-Wave Set (15 minutes)

    • Dive into the rebellious and innovative sounds of punk, post-punk, and new wave
    • Showcase lesser-known tracks and discuss their cultural impact

Hour 2: Continuing the Journey Through The Looking Glass

  1. NWOBM/Thrash Exploration (15 minutes)

    • Explore the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBM) and thrash metal
    • Feature tracks from lesser-known bands in the metal scene
  2. Art-Rock and Experimental Music (20 minutes)

    • Delve into the avant-garde world of art-rock and experimental music
    • Play challenging and thought-provoking tracks, discussing their artistic merit
  3. Space-Music Interlude (10 minutes)

    • Take a cosmic detour with space-themed music
    • Create an atmospheric journey with ambient and space-inspired tracks
  4. Brand New Music Showcase (15 minutes)

    • Introduce listeners to the latest music from up-and-coming artists
    • Encourage audience engagement by promoting feedback and interaction
  5. Musical Friends and Fellow-Travelers (10 minutes)

    • Feature tracks from independent artists who have a connection with the show
    • Encourage listeners to reach out and submit their music for future episodes
  6. Closing Remarks and Contact Information (Last 5 minutes)

    • Thank the audience for tuning in
    • Provide contact information for submitting music and interacting with the show
    • Tease upcoming episodes and themes
TTLG with SDM no 2

"Good evening, music explorers, and welcome to another episode of 'Through The Looking Glass,' where we dive deep into the world of music that defies the ordinary. I’m your host, Steven Davies-Morris, and I’m thrilled to guide you through tonight’s sonic adventure here on WILD-FM.

For the next two hours, prepare to expand your musical horizons with the most eclectic mix of sounds, from the haunting echoes of Krautrock to the vibrant rhythms of jazz fusion, and beyond. Our mission is simple: to introduce you to the best music you’ve never heard but should have, and tonight’s lineup promises to do just that.

We’ll start our journey with a deep dive into the psychedelic and hypnotic world of Krautrock, featuring trailblazing bands that redefined the genre. Then, we’ll dust off the turntable and spin a classic side of vintage vinyl from King Crimson’s seminal album, ‘In the Court of the Crimson King.’

Next, we’ll groove with some incredible jazz trios that push the boundaries of their instruments, followed by a set of choice covers where artists breathe new life into familiar tunes. And, of course, no journey through the looking glass would be complete without a detour into the rebellious sounds of punk, post-punk, and new wave.

In the second hour, we’ll dive into the thunderous world of NWOBM and thrash metal, before easing into the more abstract realms of art-rock and experimental music. We’ll float through space with ambient soundscapes, and spotlight brand new music from up-and-coming artists that you’ll definitely want to keep on your radar.

As always, we’ll close with a special set from musical friends and fellow travelers who continue to inspire and innovate.

So, sit back, relax, and let the music take you somewhere unexpected. This is 'Through The Looking Glass,' and you’re about to embark on a journey like no other. Stay tuned, and let's kick things off with the entrancing sounds of Can and their timeless track, ‘Vitamin C.’”


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